September 26, 2010
[This post has been imported from my blogspot blog, where it looked a bit misplaced to me considering the fact that I post my ramblings there. Besides, this does the job of first tech-post that I needed to write. For sanity's sake, I have kept the same publishing date as on the original post. A few enhancements have been made to the post. Have fun.]
I've just got back from InPyCon'2010.
Was my first time being to a Technology Convention, and not too bad an experience. Although I had expected it to be at a different level thinking that this is The PyCon (meaning the International version) but being what it actually was, it was fine, I must say. Needless to say, being the love of my life; graphics, animation and UX if brought together, I don't think there is anything more interesting and intriguing to me as a technologist. And that was precisely what happened at InPyCon. (Actually, this was the only interesting part of the conention I actually enjoyed)
There were two things which I came across today which have got me fantasizing (don't get the wrong idea ;) ) and kept me awake at 3 in the morning (this can explain how excited I am!) writing this blog post. :)
I've uploaded this video to make some sense out of all the gibberish I've been shooting till now (think: low cost VR and touch panels :) ). If you find it interesting, you might also want to visit the presenter's site.
I'm also taking the liberty to include the link to the source of his inspiration.
The other presentation that I really had fun at was the one about 3D Game development in Blender which is a Python based gaming-engine-cum-IDE. Think about it. Free. Open source. And allows you to build 3D games. And did I mention that you don't need to write code for that? That's right, my friend! I'm definitely gonna get my hands dirty with it. (Takes a while to get acquainted with the tools, I hear, but nevertheless, worth a shot all the same!) :) Enjoy!!
Post comments. I, in the meanwhile, will try to get things moving in the direction where I can put all this knowledge to good use.
Ciao for now!